electric distribution
our services
Quality Electric Distribution
C.W. Wright offers complete overhead and underground distribution construction and maintenance capabilities up to 34.5kV, energized or de-energized. Our dedication to safely expediting critical infrastructure projects with short-term in-service completion dates makes us the premier industry provider. Additionally, our fleet includes a full complement of off-road, backyard, and other specialized equipment for hard to reach and environmentally sensitive projects enabling us to work on all types of systems including but not limited to: rural, municipalities, downtown settings and military bases, etc.
services we provide
- Primary and secondary voltages ranging from 4kV – 35kV classes
- Distribution Design and Engineering
- Electric Facility Inspection
- Overhead and Underground Construction & Maintenance
- Restoration
- Pole Replacement
- Line Reconductoring
- Smart Grid Component Installation
- Stray Voltage Survey Assessment and Mitigation
- Primary Voltage Conversions
- Line Relocations in preparation for road widening projects
- Make-ready work for communication infrastructure
- Fault Locate and Repair (FLR)